- Constraining the Effect of Baryonic Feedback on the Matter Power Spectrum with Fast Radio Bursts
- CIBER 4th flight fluctuation analysis: Pseudo-power spectrum formalism, improved source masking and validation on mocks
- CIBER 4th flight fluctuation analysis: Measurements of near-IR auto- and cross-power spectra on arcminute to sub-degree scales
- Testing the local void solution to the Hubble tension using baryon acoustic oscillation measurements over the last twenty years
- Aspects of Spatially-Correlated Random Fields: Extreme-Value Statistics and Clustering Properties
- Mapping the $\Lambda_{\rm s}$CDM scenario to $f(T)$ modified gravity: Effects on structure growth rate
- Constraints on Baryon Density from the Effective Optical Depth of High-Redshift Quasars
- On the increase in the concentration of primordial black holes in the halos of dwarf galaxies
- Interpretability of deep-learning methods applied to large-scale structure surveys
- Quintessential Implications of the presence of AdS in the Dark Energy sector
- Gaussian-process reconstructions and model building of quintom dark energy from latest cosmological observations
- Gravitational waves from metastable cosmic strings in the delayed scaling scenario
- Boosting galaxy clustering analyses with non-perturbative modelling of redshift-space distortions
- Topological Leptogenesis
- Significant increase in sensitive volume of a gravitational wave search upon including higher harmonics
- Unifying Inflation, dark energy and dark matter with a scalar field and exotic fermions
- Deser-Woodard nonlocal gravity in the proper tetrad frame: traversable wormholes
- A general upper bound on the light dark matter scattering rate in materials
- Non-singular bounce solutions in Myrzakulov $f(R,T)$ gravity
- Magnetically-assisted vorticity production in decaying acoustic turbulence
- Quest for CMB spectral distortions to probe the scalar-induced gravitational wave background interpretation of pulsar timing array data
- Cosmology with Fast Radio Bursts
- MeerKAT discovery of GHz radio emission extending from Abell 3017 toward Abell 3016
- Massive black holes or stars first: the key is the residual cosmic electron fraction
- Testing anisotropic Hubble expansion
- Discrepancies Between JWST Observations and Simulations of Quenched Massive Galaxies at $z > 3$: A Comparative Study With IllustrisTNG and ASTRID
- The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Running of the Spectral Index
- Primordial regular black holes as all the dark matter. II. Non-time-radial-symmetric and loop quantum gravity-inspired metrics
- Sequential Testing with Subadditive Costs
- Facility Location on High-dimensional Euclidean Spaces
- Graph Exploration with Edge Weight Estimates
- Digital Quantum Simulations of the Non-Resonant Open Tavis-Cummings Model
- Connected Components in Linear Work and Near-Optimal Time
- Exact and Approximate High-Multiplicity Scheduling on Identical Machines
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Optimal Decision Trees using Dynamic Programming
- Optimal Decentralized Smoothed Online Convex Optimization
- Near-Optimal Algorithms for Omniprediction